TrialBikes section markers 2024 (pack of 10)

TrialBikes section markers 2024 (pack of 10) Expand

TrialBikes section markers 2024 (pack of 10)




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Pídalo antes de 11 horas y 37 minutos y recíbalo mañana con GLS EXPRESS 14 HORAS

TrialBikes section markers 2024 (pack of 10)

TrialBikes section markers. Pack of 10 markers for section and categories demarcation in bike trials and moto trials competitions.

Description and materials
- TrialBikes section markers, use to guide a rider throughout a section of a bike trials or moto trials event, training or competition.
commonly used on all kinds of competitions and events to direct the rider inside the sections.
- Made of coated card, with high resistance against wear and wet weather.
- Supplied as a pack of 10 markers of the chosen colour (all 10 markers come in the same colour).

- Length: 144mm
- Width: 50mm

- 8 different colours available: red, blue, black, green, yellow, white, pink and orange.
- White TrialBikes graphics (red, blue, black, pink and green markers) and black TrialBikes graphics (yellow, white and orange markers). The back of the markers is black.

- 29g (pack with 10 markers)

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