Clean K1.2 standard axle inserts Expand

Clean K1.2 standard axle inserts



Aluminium inserts for the Clean K1.2 carbon frame and fork. These inserts allow you to run a standard hub (10mm axle) in a Clean K1.2 frame or fork.

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Clean K1.2 standard axle inserts

Description and materials.
- Clean K1.2 aluminium inserts.
- Two versions available:
· Fork: they are installed in the dropouts of Clean K1.2 forks, to allow use of a standard front hub with a 10mm axle.
· Frame: they are installed in the dropouts of Clean K1.2 frames, to allow use of a standard rear hub with a 10mm axle.
- Ideal to replace the inserts supplied with the Clean K1.2 fork/frame, and be able to run a traditional front/rear hub.
- Sold as a pair (2 inserts), in fork or frame versions.
- Includes 2 M4x12mm steel bolts.

Compatible with:
- Fork: Clean K1.2 forks and those with identical design.
- Frame: Clean K1.2 frames and those with identical design.
- Can be used with Clean X2 hubs and those with 105mm (front hub) and 120mm (rear hub) dropout spacing.

- Anodized red.

- 8.48g (pair for the fork), 8.56g (pair, for the frame)

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Ernest A. el día 2024-12-05 Todo correcto, el producto corresponde perfectamente a lo anunciado, en perfecto estado y entrega en menos de 48h.
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Ernest A. el día 2024-12-05 Todo correcto, el producto corresponde perfectamente a lo anunciado, en perfecto estado y entrega en menos de 48h.
Inserto eje estandar
JOSE A. M. el día 2021-10-20 Son los que trae de serie la bici. Los he comprado para tener de repuesto.
JOSE A. M. el día 2021-10-20 Son los mismos que trae la bici de serie y los he comprado para tener por si acaso